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My Services

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What I


Logo Design

A personal or company Logo meant to show off your party's personality and be the forefront of your image. This would include a consultation to come up with criteria fitting your image and 3 free redesigns should the first draft not be to your liking.



Designs for a shirt or other clothing that can be screen printed or sent to an outside printing company, designs for a mug or cup, designs for stickers or other non-expensive branding merchandise, etc. This service would come with a consultation to come up with criteria fitting your image and 4 free redesigns should you dislike the original draft.


Branding Design

A piece of branding that can be used for advertisements, showing off you or your company as a whole or a specific product/service. This could be a poster, social media advert, a brochure/rack card, etc. This service comes with a consultation to come up with criteria for a design that matches your branding image and a free redesign should you not like the original draft.


Bundle Service

A bundle that would create a brand image for you or your company, this would include a logo and submarks, a poster and social media post, social media profile images such as a profile picture and header, a rack-card or brochure, and finally a shirt and choice merchandise design. This service would come with an initial consultation to figure out brand image and check-ins along the way to ensure you are getting what you want out of the service.


I charge $15 per hour for these designs, a sheet in which I track exactly what I worked on for each hour will be included with the final billing to ensure you feel your money was spent wisely. As well any further redesigns outside of the service deals will cost $20 per hour. 

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